Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hot Independence Day!

Here's a great exercise to celebrate Independence Day!

Write your own Bill of Rights

A little background...
The United States Bill of Rights is made up of the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. Here's a link to check out the U.S. Bill of Rights for reference (It can be fun to use some of the same wording in your own Bill of Rights)!

Here's the fun, and relevant part...
You can keep amending the constitution of your life!  Continue to offer yourself more freedoms to be your best you!
Now fram it and hang that mutha up!

Note: Sometimes we're trapped in feeling that we don't have any rights to be ourselves or to advocate for ourselves.  An example might be moms who don't feel that they have time for themselves, but more importantly don't believe that they deserve to have time for themselves.  Write your right down anyway!  What's the harm?  It's okay for your Bill of Rights to start from a place that you see as a dream world.  This can be an exercise to secure your rights to be yourself, but it can also be a start to thinking about what you deserve.  We can work on why you deserve that world in later exercises, or in coaching.

Have a safe and fun 4th of July Everyone!

Hot Inspiration!

This may seem like a negative start.  Keep reading, it will turn around!
If I read one more "inspiring" tweet I will scream.  It will be one of those shrill crazy lady screams that the neighbors down the block can hear.  They will think to themselves, "That lady has had it."  They will be right. 
Coaches, is our work a means to fill some kind of self indulgent fantasy where we take over and with our sweeping inspiration change the lives of others?  Yuck!
My job is to support my clients, but people come to coaching when they have reached their own inspiration.  When they know that they want to move forward, they're just not sure how.
Here's some inspiration for ya...

The inspiration to be your best self comes from inside yourself!

This in no way negates coaching.  Having an advocate in your path to self discovery and self realization can be incredibly important.  As coaches we have the tools to help you get the most out of walking this path.  That's all we've got though.  Coaches have the tools, you have the truth!

Here's my new plan...
I'll continue blogging about different ideas here, but I'm also going to be sharing some of the exercises that I use in my practice.  Stuff that you can try at home.  My hope is that these exercises can help you to actively get on your path.  If nothing else, they will mean that you're doing something for yourself! 
Again, this is not a replacement for coaching, and if you're interested in really getting at the life that you were created for, please contact me

Happy Independence Day!