Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hot Permission

Hi all! There's a great exercise at the bottom of this post!

When we were kids we asked permission.
Now that we are adults, we grant permission!
As children we are taught to ask others for permission.  This is meant to keep us safe, and to help those responsible for us, guide us.  Now that we're adults, the guidance that we need is inside our own hearts.

Still many of us are waiting for permission to grant permission!

What would life be like if you truly felt like you had permission to...
Be yourself?
Love yourself?
Feel your own worth?
Achieve your dreams?
Let go of others expectations?
Get in the driver's seat of your own life?
Dream big?

What if you had permission to conquer whatever is holding you back? What would that feel like?  If your answer is something like...
here's some great news!
The authority to grant permission is yours! 

List some of the things that you know your heart desires, but that you've been having a hard time achieving. Give yourself permission!

It may look a little like this:
I have permission to make $______
I have permission to get that promotion
I have permission to lose those __ lbs
I have permission to know and acknowledge my own worth!

Now hang that mutha up!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hot Groundhog

This week I had two friends come to me with the same dilemma. See if this rings any bells...

Ever woken up in a relationship and realized that the funny, considerate, and affectionate dream boat that you fell in love with has been replaced by someone closed off, snarky, and sanitized? Have you ever felt the overwhelming resentment and disappointment that accompanies the realization that yet again, you're dating your ex?! Different shoes same bad news!

Frustration sets in.  This may not be the first time that you've woken up with your past, and you're desperate to know, "Why does this always happen to me?!"  It's an excellent question, and the good news is that it's not a complete fluke.

You may have heard the myth that we only use 10% of our brain.  While our conscious mind does only occupy 10% of the property upstairs, the other 90%, our subconscious, is fully functional. We can blame it for groundhog's day scenarios like these. 

Ever thought, “What happened, he's like a completely different person”? Here's the deal, your subconscious saw that 'different person' coming from a mile away.  It's smart like that.

At the start of a relationship, our conscious minds are in a love haze.  We're rockin' all those love hormones, and it's hot!  Underneath all of the lust and butterflies, our subconscious sees something in the match that says, "Here's a healing opportunity.”

What the heart knows, and subconscious misses is that even though wounds invade from the outside in, healing begins on the inside and blooms out.

Here's to healing yourself from the inside out, and finding the everlasting love that you deserve!